A Year of Newsletters…

A Year of Newsletters…

Welcome to the one year anniversary edition of Haith’s Greener by the Day newsletter! As we reflect on the past year's accomplishments and look forward to the future, we're excited to continue bringing you a mix of informative and light-hearted content dedicated to making a positive difference to our planet.

May 2023

We looked at nature-friendly changes we can all make including purchasing green cleaning products, the three r’s (reduce, reuse, recycle), composting, cutting down red meat intake, and #NoMowMay.

June 2023

This month’s focus was Fairtrade. We highlighted the importance of looking at labels and understanding the wellbeing of workers. The Fairtrade symbol is one you can look out for whilst shopping, especially when looking for products like bananas, chocolate, and coffee.

July 2023

In July, some of the team got busy as they began building a bug hotel.

Due to new Fire Marshals being chosen, we covered some important fire safety mnemonics including PASS – Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep and RACE – Rescue Alarm Contain Extinguish. Don’t forget, if your clothes catch on fire, STOP, DROP AND ROLL!

The Family & Education Section also went live on Haith’s website to provide free nature activities for children and families.

August 2023

Charlotte was busy creating Haith’s special edition colouring page: Haith’s New Home. The competition was launched for school children and nurseries for a chance to win bird food and feeders for their educational setting.

Ed released the first bin rota to help the team keep on top of their recycling, and the bug hotel’s main structure was complete.

September 2023

This was a busy month!

We launched our newest brochure with the winning colouring page on the front cover.

Simon, Andrea, Ed, Gemma, Charlotte and Harry worked hard to create ‘Haith’s and Robin Red Trade’ website.

Members of the team were busy creating educational resources for a local primary school in Louth, linking activities to the science curriculum and nature.

Jess, owner of ‘Stewton Stars Hideaway’ (a local luxury glamping site) got in touch about a collaboration. Julianne and Charlotte created special edition pieces for her to place in the folders in her glamping rooms for families to enjoy.

The bug hotel was placed in situ near the small pond, ready for insects to take residence.

Some of the team made it on Lincs FM! With the help of Joseph Begley, we got the chance to promote Haith’s on the radio by playing a game of Hide and Seek.

We also looked into the topic of cruelty-free and nature-friendly products to get the team thinking about the products they buy and the consequences of those purchases.

October 2023

In this edition of ‘Greener by the Day’, we covered some important topics including upcycling and problems with plastic.

Haith’s & Robin Red Trade’ Website was set live, reflecting the hard work and dedication to the project.

Podcasts started up again! Ange was able to book Megan Mccubbin from Springwatch to be the first in the lineup.

In October, the team watched ‘Save Our Wild Isles’, where they learnt about the relationship between business and nature.

The winners of Charlotte’s photography competition were chosen, from an overwhelming number of entries to choose from.

Members of the team helped out at Lincolnshire Budgie Society’s Talk.

It was an exciting day for the team when 10-year-old Seb Oliver, who won our colouring competition, came to Haith’s to have his picture taken and receive his prizes. The story was printed in the Louth Leader – a very proud moment for Haith’s!

November 2023

Sacha Dench was our next guest on ‘Nature Space with Haith’s’. The podcast explored her early childhood, adventures following swans and ospreys’ as they migrate, and ways that for-profit organisations can support nature.

Nicholas Howard of Castle Howard followed. He discussed wildlife, restoration work and sustainable practices.

The team took part in Macmillan Coffee Morning and raised a fantastic £104.60! A few weeks later, we celebrated ‘Wear it Pink Day’ to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Research.

Halloween pumpkins were discussed, highlighting the importance of disregarding used pumpkins to prevent hedgehogs from eating them (as they can cause stomach upsets which can lead to dehydration). Additionally, Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire Night was discussed, providing tips to protect nature at this time of year. 

December 2023

During this festive month Julianne & Charlotte headed down to Greenwich House Independent School in Louth, to give a presentation on the topic of conservation, for their Harvest Festival.

The team fundraised for Children in Need.

December’s newsletter also contained Christmas cracker jokes and eco-friendly Christmas ideas to kick off the festive spirit!

January 2024

In this newsletter, we focussed on New Year’s Resolutions. Additionally, Rachael’s wreath-making session was showcased, alongside the Tiggywinkles Blog, Haith’s new app launch, Christmas Jumper Day and the hard work put in by the team to make Rufus the Robin a success.

February 2024

Ange and Julianne were given the task of planning an open day. They have been working hard to book stalls, food trucks and children’s entertainment for the event taking place in August.

Nick Ray joined us for a podcast where he shared an emotional experience about how nature saved him from one of the darkest times of his life.

This newsletter had a firm focus on buying eco-friendly products and shopping locally to assist in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and protect nature.

March 2024

The Ramblers parked on site as a gathering point for their 10-mile walk in the local area.

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust joined us in a podcast about their important project, 'Wilder Humber’.

In this edition, the focus was on mindful disposal and tips for an eco-friendly wash.

April 2024

Martin Woods and Alan Mason, both gardeners with a wealth of experience, who have worked on gardens owned by the Royals, discussed their plans for the site.

We hosted the Lincolnshire Budgie Society. Avian Expert, Professor John E Cooper and his wife, wildlife lawyer Margaret Cooper led the evening. A handful of team members assisted with the event, to make sure everything ran smoothly.

The following day Chris Snell, Champion Budgie Breeder and Professor John E Cooper recorded a podcast where they explored the budgerigar world in depth.

James, The Canoe River Cleaner, popped by to hold an educational session for a group of home-schooled children from the local area. We arranged a fun Easter egg hunt for the children and provided them with educational materials for them to take home.

This issue also looked at the illegal wildlife trade, wild animals as pets, and dangerous animals in Lincolnshire.

May 2024

A year of newsletters and we’re still going strong! 

Until next month,

Julianne, Charlotte & Ed

Haith's Greener by the Day Logo - eco-friendly.

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