Haith's Greener by the Day: October Edition Updates

Haith's Greener by the Day: October Edition Updates

Trade Website

A huge congratulations to everyone who has helped bring Haith’s & Robin Red Trade website come to life – what a huge achievement!


With the help of Ange, we have been able to start up our podcasts again. Megan Mccubbin from Springwatch was first in the lineup and we hope to have even more guests in the future.

Save our Wild Isles

Save Our Wild Isles was screened for all of our team members to learn about the relationship between business and nature.

Photography Competition

Charlotte’s photography competition has been a huge success. We love how enthusiastic the Haith’s community has been. We was overwhelmed by how many entries where submitted so we ended up choosing 3 winners!

Lincolnshire Budgie Society Open Evening 

A big thank you to everyone who gave their time and helped out - have a look at our blog covering the event here.

UpcyclingTurn your trash into treasure!

Upcycling: Taking something old or broken and giving it new life. For example, using wellies that no longer fit and using them as flowerpots.

Read more on upcycling here – ·

Easy Upcycling Ideas - The Ultimate List That Will Make You Want To Craft - Pillar Box Blue

School Colouring Competition Winner

Seb Oliver, who won our colouring competition, came to Haith’s to have his picture taken. The story has been printed in the Louth Leader, promoting our Family & Education Section!

Problems with Plastic

Keep remembering to bring in your reusable water bottles and to recycle, sorting your items into the correct bins.

You should be aware of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Filled with rubbish and microplastics, this is one garbage patch of many. Sadly, these microplastics make their way through the food chain – a fish may eat plankton which has microplastics inside them and then we enjoy our fish and chips, unaware that we are likely ingesting tiny microplastic particles.

We can only make a small difference, but it’s better than making no difference at all! If possible, have a look at things that you can do to eliminate plastic use. This could be buying fruit and veg loosely or bringing a reusable bag to the shop with you.

To watch a video about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, follow the link: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim

Until next month,

Julianne, Charlotte & Ed


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