State of Nature Report 2023

State of Nature Report 2023

Well, the report is in and it’s dire. The UK’s wildlife is showing a persistent decline and is now one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.

19% of the UK species studied have declined since 1970 and nearly one in six species are threatened with extinction from Great Britain.

Big declines in insects which have important roles in nature, such as pollinators like bees, moths and hoverflies have decreased on average by 18% - while the 2-spotted Ladybird, a predatory insect that helps with crop control insects, have declined by a massive 34%.

Many mosses and flowering plants have been lost from areas where they used to be found in abundance.

We know the reason for our nature’s decline.

Land that we use for farming and climate change has been the biggest cause of decline on our rivers, lakes, and land.

In the sea and around our coasts, it is a result of marine development and unsustainable fishing.

Centuries of habitat loss, persecution and development has damaged our biodiversity, but we can, and must, turn this around. 

What We’re Doing to Help?

Here at Haith’s we are putting steps in place to help nature. Our site has been chosen with nature in mind – with a huge space dedicated to natural habitats and staff wellbeing. Have a read of our previous blog discussing Commercial Space for Nature.

On site, we feed the local birds, allow native plants to grow, have two ponds and have recently upcycled a bug hotel which is nestled away with many shrubs surrounding it.

To educate members of staff, we have been watching the 4-part documentary, Save Our Wild Isles, which discusses how businesses and nature can work together.

Save Our Wild Isles Screening

Our podcast, ‘Nature Space with Haith’s’ has notable guests that discuss matters such as climate change, how nature impacts mental health and how we can all help nature. These podcasts shed light on these important matters and are free for people to listen to.

We are also providing free educational resources on our website ( and to schools across Lincolnshire, which provide fun activities in hopes of bringing children and families closer to nature.

In our building, we have colourful recycling bins with smiley faces to encourage all staff members to sort their rubbish correctly and we have a monthly email we send out to all staff which covers environmental topics and changes we can implement to support nature.

Recycling bins with colourful faces.

How You Can Help

There are so many things we can all do to help nature. Here are a few suggestions from us:

  • Educate yourself – this will help you understand why changing your actions is so important.
  • Upcycle – this is great for the environment! Read our blog, ‘The Wonderous World of Upcycling’ for more information.
  • Buy sustainable products where possible.
  • Allow your garden to be wild!
  • Cut down on single-use plastics

As the stats show from the State of Nature Report 2023, these changes need to start now.

Mother Nature needs our help, now’s our chance.

Written by Julianne & Ange

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