Monday, 17th October 2016
My views on baits, particularly winter baits, might go against the more widely accepted views. May they not? But they are my views, written here as guidance only, no rules just views and opinions. So if you disagree, that's fine.
The anatomy of a winter bait:

I will start by stating, that in winter I've found fishmeal based baits to be far less effective than baits containing no solid fishmeal. The exception being soluble fish protein type meals, such as CPSP-90 which is a pre-digested (enzyme treated) 'fishmeal'. In fact, I always include this kind of meal in all my baits, summer and winter alike.
Milk products are next and I'd normally choose to include a milk/whey product combination totalling around 30%, which would typically be a blend of 10% Casein, 10% Skimmed milk powder and 10% Whey.

You will probably notice that although I've only mentioned a few ingredients, they are nearly all water soluble; this is henceforth where a 'theme' develops. This theme revolves around solubility, high leakage, loose textured bird food based baits. These baits are fed little and often. My sessions are short, and although I don't use much bait at any time of year, I use more in winter than in the warmer summer months.

The reasons are several, but it works well for me. It keeps the carp moving and searching, looking for these soluble easily passed attractive baits. Action can be instant!
So where does Haith's fit into all of this? Well, Haith's just happens to be the No1 (not necessarily in size but certainly in quality) Bird food supplier in the UK, making and supplying the finest bird food ingredients available, especially for us anglers!

Favourites of mine are the unique and distinctive Prosecto Insectivorous. The sweet honey smelling Nectarblend, and all time secret winter weapon: Spanish Peppers RRR, ssssshhhh!

It's no secret that spices can be very effective in winter (and summer for that matter) and the Spanish Peppers RRR blend is superb.

These bird food products are very multi-functional, contain a wide variety of high-quality ingredients and provide our baits with a superb texture and leakage. Not to be overlooked!

So with winter nearly upon us, stock up with some Haith's bird foods and get those winter baits rolled!
Good luck all,
Written by Andy Obrien
- Comments
" Comment" by ozz770
26 Oct 2016
A very helpfull and interesting read, especially about using spices all year round.