Collection: Starling Bird Products

Britain's Starling population was once considered to be of pest proportions but it is no coincidence that it has become quite rare since drastic changes have taken place in farming practice. Habitually, the Starling once depended on feeding from stubble fields left to overwinter from the previous harvest, but now new crops are planted immediately after harvesting removing the winter food supply for many species.

Even the huge flocks, which roosted overnight in many of our major cities, woodlands and reed beds, have gone. Their preferred habitat is open woodland with scattered trees amongst farmland but they are also attracted to human habitation.

Starlings are omnivorous depending on a wide variety of food items taking invertebrates and seeds whenever they are available. They will also come to our bird feeders and have developed the ability to hang and exploit hanging Peanut Feeders. They seem fearless as they strut around taking our bird food scattered either on the ground or put on the bird table. They will take a wide variety of Haith's bird food mixtures especially Wild Bird Food and Golden Chorus.

Starlings naturally nest in tree holes and cavities in buildings but will also take to nest boxes with a hole diameter of 46 to 50mm.

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